Postoperative Instructions
Reduce your activity immediately after surgery, but resume as soon as you feel back to normal. Most patients can resume high impact activity within 2-3 days post-surgery. Please avoid any sports or activities that will run the risk of you being hit in the mouth.
Cleaning the mouth:
Avoid brushing in the surgical area for 2 weeks (3 weeks for laser) or until instructed to do so by your doctor or an assistant. After that time, you can resume brushing very gently using the ultra-soft brush we'll provide at post-op. Normal brushing can resume 14 (21 for laser) days after surgery. Brush and floss normally all areas not involved in surgery.
Following all types of surgery you can expect some discomfort.
Medications (you may not have every medication listed below):
Antibiotics/Steroid: If antibiotics or a steroid are prescribed, take them as directed until they are ALL GONE. If you have an adverse reaction such as itching, nausea, or excessive diarrhea, discontinue the antibiotics and call the office.
Mouth Rinse:
Start the RX rinse the day after surgery and use it at the surgical area only. Use after breakfast and before bedtime for 2 weeks. You will only use just over half the bottle. Warm salt water may be used in addition to the RX mouth rinse, starting the day after surgery and used throughout the day as needed and after meals. Avoid peroxide and over the counter mouth rinses during the first 2 weeks, they may dissolve blood clots and rinse away bone graft material.
Over-the-counter Pain Medication:
Take Ibuprofen, Advil or any comparable anti-inflammatory as follows (avoid Aleve): Ibuprofen 800 mg Plus Tylenol 500mg every 6-8 hours with food.
If given a prescription pain medication, it should be used as a back-up, if needed, in place of the Tylenol as written above. Taking pain medication with milk or other food helps prevent nausea. If nausea develops, reduce or eliminate the pain medication and try to eat a small portion of mild food such as yogurt.
SinEcch is purchased directly from our office and is a homeopathic medication while Medrol is a steroid prescription filled at the pharmacy. Both help reduce swelling and bruising following tissue grafting procedures. These can be started the morning of your surgery.
Eat only cold or room temperature soft foods the day of surgery. After the first day, eat whatever is comfortable. Stay on a soft but balanced diet. Try to include sources of protein in your diet, such as eggs, cottage cheese, yogurt, oatmeal, soups or meats that are very tender. Avoid spicy, citrus, hard or chewy foods, especially popcorn, chips, peanuts and tough cuts of meat, etc. Do not use straws for your beverages.
If you were given an ice pack it should be placed on the face adjacent to the surgical site during the first 24 hours (15 min. on, 15 min. off) to help minimize swelling. Ice chips or iced beverages held in the mouth will also help. Some swelling is normal and tends to peak on the 3rd day, subsiding over the next few days.
In some cases, facial bruising can occur, sometimes a few days after surgery. Because surgical incisions cut blood vessels, bleeding under the surface of the tissue can later appear as a bruise.
There will often be a small amount of bleeding after surgery. The cold water and/or ice pack will minimize bleeding. Avoid smoking, spitting, vigorous rinsing, or sucking actions. Also avoid alcohol or peroxide mouth washes, they dissolve blood clots.
If you experience heavy bleeding: 1. Rinse with cold water gently. 2. Look for and wipe away any dark blood clots from the surface of teeth or gums. 3. Apply firm pressure for at least 20 min. using moist gauze or wash cloth 4. If bleeding continues, use a moist tea bag and call the office.
A fever beginning the second or third day after surgery may indicate infection. Call the office immediately for instructions.
Please do NOT smoke or vape during the 1st month following periodontal surgery. Nicotine constricts blood vessels, compromises the immune system and is an irritant to healing tissue. Any reduction in smoking will improve healing.
You might have an exposed temporary healing abutment or provisional crown on your implant. Do not bite with your implant until your General Dentist has delivered the permanent crown.
If you had a sinus augmentation performed, do not hold back any sneezes for the next 2 weeks. An open mouth sneeze is best for the time being.
AVOID PULLING YOUR LIP OR CHEEKS UP OR DOWN TO LOOK AT THE SURGICAL AREA: When you pull your lip or cheek up or down to look at surgical area you run the risk of tearing sutures or dislodging your graft.
DO NOT BITE INTO THINGS LIKE SANDWICHES OR FRUIT. Everything should be cut up and eaten on the opposite side of your surgery. Follow all other instructions in the “Eating” paragraph above.
Dressing/Surgical Stent:
IF YOU HAVE A SURGICAL STENT, YOU NEED TO WEAR IT FOR THE FIRST 48 HOURS. After 24 hours, remove the stent to clean it and gently brush your teeth before replacing it for the remaining 24 hours. (You can clean your stent with SoftSoap antibacterial soap and warm water—not hot.)
Dressing COE-PAK™ (putty like material) is occasionally used to protect the surgery site during the first few days of healing. While any packing is in place, brush the teeth in the surrounding area very gently. Some or all of this material may dislodge shortly after your surgery or at some time before your 1st follow-up appointment. There is no need for alarm, this is normal.